How to File Your Application for Social Security Disability Benefits.

When I think about my clients applying for Social Security Disability (SSD), I think of it like an athlete preparing for their big game. Sure the athlete could just show up on game day and hope for the best, but that isn’t how games are won. The dedicated athlete must spend time practicing plays, getting in shape, and improving their skills.

SSD applications are similar. Sure you could just apply and hope that the Social Security Administration (SSA) collects all your evidence and interprets it in your favor. However, like an athlete just showing up for the game, this leaves a lot to chance. If you are like the dedicated athlete, you will prepare for your application, so you can win your big game (a.k.a. winning your benefits).

So how do you prepare like the dedicated athlete? Well, first you need a good coach. Whether your coach is your disability representative or blog posts like this one, it pays to have quality guidance. Once you have a plan, it’s time to get started!

Green grass with the word "Finish" spray painted in white. How to File Your Application for Social Security Disability Benefits blog post

Filing Your Application

The application for SSD benefits can be completed in three ways: online, in person, or by phone. I highly recommend using the online version whenever possible, as it has the lowest chance of incorrect information being entered. However, if you are under 18 or already receive benefits from SSA, you will have to complete a phone or in person application.

If you need help creating your claim of evidence, please read our Social Security Disability Application Checklist blog post.

Online Application

Before beginning the application it is important to decide which type of application method you would like to follow: enter all your information on paper first, then add it to the online application OR complete everything directly on the online application.

Method one will take more preparation, but you will have all the information you will need for the application. It acts like a template for you to prepare without worrying about the page timing out before you have completed a section.

Method two prevents you from doing the work of the application twice. However, you will have to locate the information in the documents before the application times out due to inactivity.

If you are using method one, complete the following forms and have them available when you begin the steps below.

  •  Completed SSA-16 (Application for Disability Insurance Benefits)

  •  Completed SSA-3368-BK (Disability Report - Adult)

If you are applying for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you need to protect your filing date. Your retroactive (past-due) benefits will only go back to the date you started your application. Protect your filing date as soon as you start your claim development process and return to the application once you have all your documents.

If you are only starting the application to establish a protective filing date, then only proceed to the re-entry number page. If you proceed any further, you will start the decision process for the claim.


Please read these steps carefully before beginning the online application:

  1. Head to the "Apply Online" section of the SSA website located here.

  2. Click, "Apply for Disability," which will take you to the online application form.

  3. Read and agree to the Terms of Service for the benefit application.

  4. Click, "Next," which will take you to an informational page.

  5. Click, "Start a New Application."

  6. Click "I am applying for myself.”

  7. Sign in or create your MySocialSecurity Account.

  8. Continue through the application questions in Part 1. These questions should align with the questions in the SSA-16 form. You may not see all the questions listed on SSA-16, because the online application uses conditional formatting to only show follow-up questions when applicable.

  9. Use the "Remarks Section" of Part 1 for a statement like: "I have a complete file with signed forms, completed questionnaires, and complete medical records.”

    • Before submitting Part 1, review all of the entered information. It will not be possible to return to or edit Part 1 once it is submitted.

  10. Complete Part 2 using the SSA-3368-BK.

    • Review Part 2 and submit if all the information is accurate.

  11. Take a screenshot of the completion page and save it to a folder on your computer dedicated to your SSD application.

  12. Save a PDF of the Application Coversheet that is provided on the completion page.

  13. Compile the forms, questionnaires, and medical records you have collected. This is considered your complete file.

  14. Create a table of contents for the complete file, so that you can easily work with SSA to determine if any documents are lost in shipping or fax.

    • Send the completed file with a copy of the Application Coversheet via fax or USPS to the field office listed on the Application Coversheet.

  15. Once the application is submitted, it's time to wait and respond. If the application is taking longer than the average wait times, then you may want to proceed with a Congressional Inquiry to expedite the claim.

In Person Application

To file an in-person application, complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the SSA-16 and SSA-3368-BK.

  2. Compile all the evidence you would like to submit as part of your application.

  3. Call your local SSA office to schedule an in-person appointment.

  4. The day of the appointment, plan to arrive 15 minutes early.

  5. At the appointment, inform the staff that you are applying for SSD benefits and that you have a complete file including the SSA-16 and SSA-3368-BK.

    • The staff may interview you to gather any information they need verbally, but I recommend using your completed file for dates and numbers.

  6. Hand over the completed file and ask the staff to sign a document stating they have received the file. It is okay if they decline, you are only being thorough.

  7. Notate the time, date, and person who was given the file.

Phone Application

To file a claim over the phone complete the following steps:

  1. Complete SSA-16 and SSA-3368-BK

  2. Call SSA at 1-800-772-1213.

  3. Explain to the SSA employee that you are calling to schedule a phone interview to apply for disability benefits.

  4. Allow the employee to verify your identity.

  5. Once you are given a date and time that SSA will call you for the interview, make sure to document the date and time in your calendar.

  6. End the call with SSA and wait for your scheduled appointment date.

  7. On the appointment date, make sure you have your SSA-16 and SSA-3368-BK ready. This will be your reference point for answering the application questions accurately.

  8. A few days after the interview you will receive a copy of the answers in the mail to sign. Be sure to respond promptly.

  9. Once your receive any form, notice, or questionnaire with a barcode on it, you will use the barcode as your coversheet to mail or fax your evidence to SSA.

  10. Compile the evidence like you would in an online application and use the barcode in place of the Application Coversheet.

  11. Fax or mail the complete file to the SSA office listed on the barcode sheet.

Like in many customer service roles, some SSA employees conducting the phone interviews are tired and burnt out. This can lead to the employees taking steps to avoid conducting the interview. DO NOT miss the the phone call at the appointment time. Speak clearly into the phone and ensure that the phone has a good reception. Using these tactics will greatly reduce the risk of losing the appointment slot.


As you can see, even just filing the application for SSD benefits can be complicated. But luckily, you have prepared for this moment.

If you need more assistance with preparing for your SSD application, we are here to help! Our revolutionary Social Security Disability Claim Builder walks you through the entire claim building process and sends your documents straight to your claim portal.

If you need help, please schedule a consultation to speak with one of our Disability Experts.


How to Organize your Disability Evidence Before Submitting to SSA


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